Hello Ladies!
Come join our LADIES NIGHT events twice a month on a Wednesday and a Thursday from 6:00-8:00pm (please check schedule to the left).
We represent a wide variety of backgrounds, shooting sports interests, and skill levels. You will fit in perfectly wherever your level of experience is. We are a friendly group.
Nights are generally 'themed' and we occasionally have an educational component. The Club provides targets, drinks and snacks. Come enjoy some refreshments and share information with other like-minded ladies.
Trigger Time Gun Club members shoot for free. Use one of your Guest Passes to have a friend come with you! Non-member guests are welcome, please email Instructor/Coordinator Lynne at to indicate your interest and for more information.
Reminder notes for monthly events are provided and if you want to be added to our email distribution list, please let me know via email.
Since Ladies Night fills up quickly, we recommend you RSVP to Lynne early each month so she knows you are coming. Be prepared to share lanes, though. We sometimes get an overwhelming response - which is great! Everyone will get their chance at practice.
Thanks! I look forward to seeing you soon.
Lynne Marie Salinkas